The Biohub at Ings Farm is a demonstration site aimed to transform an upland grazing farm in North Yorkshire into a regenerative agriculture landscape underpinned by a whole system design approach.

Biohub at Ings Farm



From Humble Beginnings

The RegenFarmCo team has partnered with the original farmer Derek Greenwood. Derek has been working on this farm since nine years old. The land has been used exclusively for grazing. Our intention is to work with Derek to demonstrate the challenges and opportunities in applying agroforestry designs approach to silvopasture system. The farm is also home to 113 sheep which are a key part of our ecosystem design approach. 

Farm Team

  • Vincent Walsh

    Head of Innovation

  • Derek Greenwood

    Grazing Manager

  • Abigail Peppiatt

    Food Production Manger

  • Lewis Sadlar

    Resource Manager

The project will incorporate agroforestry, and forest garden design methods, and will be focused on accelerating the adoption of regenerative agriculture for upland Yorkshire and beyond, through knowledge sharing between diverse stakeholders.

Over time, we will create a continuous productive landscape to capture carbon, increase biodiversity, and produce food crops that are appropriate in our climate and environment. We plan to incorporate mixed and diverse design patterns across the site, integrating different farming systems, creating a holistic and eclectic approach, which could then be applied to other larger schemes across Yorkshire and the UK.

This novel approach to upland farming for sustainable, resilient food production could provide some of Britain's challenged farmers with a path to profitable living whilst helping fight climate change. With its commercial procurement and foodservice partners, BioHub has access to chefs and sales directors, testing its feasibility and measuring viability.

The Biohub at Ings Farm is a demonstration site aimed to transform an upland grazing farm in North Yorkshire into a regenerative agriculture landscape underpinned by a whole system design approach.

Project Development

Field 17. Size 1.9 Ha.

Design - Agroforestry Method - Silvopasture Structure - Alley cropping Livestock - Sheep (130)
